- They turned a budget surplus into a deficit.
- They took us to war on false pretenses, manufacturing a link to terrorism that even the common man should have been able to see through. I did.
- They spent money they didn't have to fight this war, instead of spending it for the general welfare of the people.
- They screwed over the troops, many of whom had to buy body armor.
- They destroyed Afghanistan and then sent troops to die there.
- They ignored and denigrated the Constitution.
- They presided over the weakest economy in decades.
- They had the worst unemployment rate in decades.
- The stock market was more screwed up than it had been in decades.
- He didn't shut down Gitmo
- He defended the warrentless wiretapping program
- He didn't get us out of Iraq
- He didn't get us out of Afghanistan
- He didn't get us any decent healthcare, and instead of cutting out the insurance companies he cut deals with them.
- In refusing to pull the same crap as Republicans, he makes himself look weak. Of course, an attempt at a show of power (like a suggestion to shut down Fox News) gets him attacked by conservative blowhards.
Because I won't.
And I know better than the rest of those morons, and have facts to back it up, not useless conjecture and mindless rhetoric.
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